Civilization Wars MC Wiki


The aftermath of the Second War of the Clans rocked the server off its feet. After Argos left the server Arkstal forces rushed to punish those who had helped them. This ended in the fall of the Fourth Reich and the devastation of Honey0bear's town.


Around the middle of the war mayor Duhbuzz/Compleks57 had retreated to be spared Arkstal's wrath. This ended up with him making a new superpower of Drastia. Many towns poured into Drastia ranging from new towns to veteran towns. Drastia was a superpower overnight.

The Disbanding of Arkstal - 7/22/16

After the war many Arkstal members decided that they didn't want to police the server anymore, instead sit back and watch the wars go on in peace and quiet. Arkstal is not a totally disbanded Nation, many of its former members would join back if Arkstal decided to regroup.

The Moose/Drastia skirmishes- 7/19/16- 7/25/16

The Moose/Drastia war was a short war in which Moose attack one of Drastia's towns resulting in outrage and the declaration of war. Drastia soon after raided many of Moose's bases. Moose sprung many traps and killed a few Drastian soliders but not much. Moose was on the run.

The fall of Drastia- 7/25/16

After much inner turmoil with the fact that Gath/Delute didnt want Arkstal forces inside their nation they split and Drastia was disbanded.
